Sunday, December 15, 2013

Recipe: IAS log parser

Today we need to parse an IAS log, we need to know who are logging in the system. Usually we use IASLogparser, but unfortunately in this case we did not have the license.
So, we need to read the file specifications from Microsoft in this URL  and parse the log file.
We selected Powershell as our script language and it was easy to build a parser, we made it in less than one hour.

Here is the code:
 $lines = Get-Content "C:\Users\olopez\Desktop\IN1312.log"  
 foreach ($line in $lines) {  
   if ($line -notcontains "Mbps")  
   $fields = $line -split ','  
   $NASIPAddress = $fields[0]  
   $usernamecli = $fields[1]  
   $dateconn = $fields[2]  
   $timeconn = $fields[3]  
   $packettype = $fields[4]  
   $user = $fields[6]  
   switch ($packettype)  
     '1' {$packettype="Access-Request"}  
     '2' {$packettype="Access-Accept"}  
     '3' {$packettype="Access-Reject"}  
     '4' {$packettype="Accounting-Request"}  
     Default {$packettype="NULL"}  
   switch ($status)  
     '0' {$status="IAS_SUCCESS"}  
     '1' {$status="IAS_INTERNAL_ERROR"}  
     '2' {$status="IAS_ACCESS_DENIED"}  
     '3' {$status="IAS_MALFORMED_REQUEST"}  
     '5' {$status="IAS_DOMAIN_UNAVAILABLE"}  
     '6' {$status="IAS_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE"}  
     '7' {$status="AS_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN"}  
     '8' {$status="IAS_NO_SUCH_USER"}  
     '16' {$status="IAS_AUTH_FAILURE"}  
     '17' {$status="IAS_CHANGE_PASSWORD_FAILURE"}  
     '18' {$status="IAS_UNSUPPORTED_AUTH_TYPE"}  
     '32' {$status="IAS_LOCAL_USERS_ONLY"}  
     '33' {$status="IAS_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE"}  
     '34' {$status="IAS_ACCOUNT_DISABLED"}  
     '35' {$status="IAS_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED"}  
     '36' {$status="IAS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT"}  
     '37' {$status="IAS_INVALID_LOGON_HOURS"}  
     '38' {$status="IAS_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTION"}  
     '48' {$status="IAS_NO_POLICY_MATCH"}  
     '64' {$status="IAS_DIALIN_LOCKED_OUT"}  
     '65' {$status="IAS_DIALIN_DISABLED"}  
     '66' {$status="IAS_INVALID_AUTH_TYPE"}  
     '67' {$status="IAS_INVALID_CALLING_STATION"}  
     '68' {$status="IAS_INVALID_DIALIN_HOURS"}  
     '69' {$status="IAS_INVALID_CALLED_STATION"}  
     '70' {$status="IAS_INVALID_PORT_TYPE"}  
     '71' {$status="IAS_INVALID_RESTRICTION"}  
     '80' {$status="IAS_NO_RECORD"}  
     '96' {$status="IAS_SESSION_TIMEOUT"}  
     '97' {$status="IAS_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST"}  
     Default {$status="NULL"}  
    $NASIPAddress+","+$usernamecli+","+$dateconn+","+$timeconn+","+$packettype+","+$user+","+$status | Out-File -Append -FilePath $outputfile  

This powershell commandline could be usefull to you (ASA01 is the called station name):
Get-EventLog -LogName Security -Message "*ASA01*" -After (Get-Date).Adddays(-30)  | select eventid,TimeGenerated,message|ConvertTo-HTML | Out-File C:\inetpub\wwwroot\reports\vpn.html 

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