Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Recipe to get hits per browser by URL

This is our first recipe, a short article describing a specific task.
Today we need get hits by browser in specific URLs.
We have used the following tools, Logparser Lizard,Powershell and Excel to present a graphic report.

Logparser Lizard query

   cs(User-Agent) As UserAgent,    
   COUNT(*) as Hits   
 FROM 'C:\PATH_IIS_LOGS_server1\*.log', 'C:\PATH_IIS_LOGS_server2\*.log' , 'C:\PATH_IIS_LOGS_server3\*.log'   
 where cs-uri-stem like '%URL_TO_SEARCH%'  
 GROUP BY UserAgent   

Export Logparser Lizard results to CSV.
Clean CSV file of  trash characters like ". 
The user-agent string (KHTML,+like+Gecko) of Iphones can broke the parser, so replace this string to (KHTML+like+Gecko) with texteditor is a good idea. We don´t know if put "," character here is a standard in the user-agent string.
Of course you can use logparser from command line.

Powershell script
Run a script like this:

 Get-Content E:\Path\To\Resultant\file\resultantfileoflogparser.txt | Foreach-Object {  
 if ($linea[0] -match 'MSIE\+7' )  
 [int]$b = $null  
 [int32]::TryParse($($linea[1]) , [ref]$b )  
 if ($linea[0] -match 'MSIE\+6' )  
 [int]$b = $null  
 [int32]::TryParse($($linea[1]) , [ref]$b )  
 if ($linea[0] -match 'MSIE\+8' )  
 [int]$b = $null  
 [int32]::TryParse($($linea[1]) , [ref]$b )  
 if ($linea[0] -match 'MSIE\+9' )  
 [int]$b = $null  
 [int32]::TryParse($($linea[1]) , [ref]$b )  
 if ($linea[0] -match 'MSIE\+10' )  
 [int]$b = $null  
 [int32]::TryParse($($linea[1]) , [ref]$b )  
 if ($linea[0] -match 'Chrome' )  
 [int]$b = $null  
 [int32]::TryParse($($linea[1]) , [ref]$b )  
 if ($linea[0] -match 'Firefox' )  
 [int]$b = $null  
 [int32]::TryParse($($linea[1]) , [ref]$b )  
 if ($linea[0] -match 'iPhone' )  
 [int]$b = $null  
 [int32]::TryParse($($linea[1]) , [ref]$b )  
 if ($linea[0] -match 'iPad' )  
 [int]$b = $null  
 [int32]::TryParse($($linea[1]) , [ref]$b )  
 if ($linea[0] -match 'Macintosh' )  
 [int]$b = $null  
 [int32]::TryParse($($linea[1]) , [ref]$b )  
 if ($linea[0] -match 'Android' )  
 [int]$b = $null  
 [int32]::TryParse($($linea[1]) , [ref]$b )  
 [int]$b = $null  
 [int32]::TryParse($($linea[1]) , [ref]$b )  
 write-host "IE6"$ie6  
 write-host "IE7"$ie7  
 write-host "IE8"$ie8  
 write-host "IE9"$ie9  
 write-host "IE10"$ie10  
 write-host "Chrome"$chrome  
 write-host "Firefox"$firefox  
 write-host "Ipad"$ipad  
 write-host "Iphone"$iphone  
 write-host "Mac"$mac  
 write-host "Android"$android  

You can fit this script for your needs, for example adding extra browsers or changing the identification string for more accurate results.
You can get user-agent list from this URL http://www.useragentstring.com/pages/useragentstring.php
Our script returns this data in two columns:

 IE6 5  
 IE7 81  
 IE8 161  
 IE9 71  
 IE10 26  
 Chrome 0  
 Firefox 82  
 Ipad 0  
 Iphone 0  
 Mac 2  
 Android 0  

Excel Result
Finally you can make a pie chart with the script output and get something like this:

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