This is the part two of a set of articles related to SCOM
Which are the differences between Operations and Datawarehouse databases.
Extracted from Microsoft web:
- The operational database is a SQL Server database that contains all configuration data for the management group and stores all monitoring data that is collected and processed for the management group. The operational database retains short-term data, by default 7 days.
- The data warehouse database is a SQL Server database that stores monitoring and alerting data for historical purposes. Data that is written to the Operations Manager database is also written to the data warehouse database, so reports always contain current data. The data warehouse database retains long-term data.
The data retentions in the operational database can be extended from the administration console in the menu Administration --> Settings --> Database Grooming. It is a good idea to extend them to two weeks if you do not have a lot of events in SCOM, because you can plot larger performance charts from the console or search alert events from the console without entering into reporting services. Remember, this is an operational database, so more than four weeks of retention usally can impact the SCOM perfromance negatively.
The database warehouse by default, is well optimized in terms of space and speed. For example a database with 50 devices monitorized grows about 3GB every month, but it depends strongly on rules that you have applied on the monitored devices.
The database warehouse by default, is well optimized in terms of space and speed. For example a database with 50 devices monitorized grows about 3GB every month, but it depends strongly on rules that you have applied on the monitored devices.
During the installation, make sure that you are using one of the following collations:
SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, French_CI_AS, Cyrillic_General_CI_AS, Chinese_PRC_CI_AS, Japanese_CI_AS, Traditional_Spanish_CI_AS, or Latin1_General_CI_AS. No other collation settings are supported.
Finally, in a production enviroments, at least one dedicated database server for both databases is highly recommended
Database structures
Database structures are well documented, Microsoft provides Datawarehouse database schema and some examples in these URLs: and 2012 database schema is provided in HTML by SystemCentral in this URL:
Useful queries for operations database
In this URL there is an excellent post about SQL queries for operations DBs:
We are going to rewrite the most useful examples:
Top 20 Alerts in an Operational Database, by Alert Count.
We are going to rewrite the most useful examples:
Top 20 Alerts in an Operational Database, by Alert Count.
Top 20 Alerts in an Operational Database, by Repeat Count.SELECT TOP 20 SUM(1) AS AlertCount, AlertStringName, AlertStringDescription, MonitoringRuleId, Name FROM Alertview WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE TimeRaised is not NULL GROUP BY AlertStringName, AlertStringDescription, MonitoringRuleId, Name ORDER BY AlertCount DESC
Noisiest monitors changing state in the database in the last 7 days.SELECT TOP 20 SUM(RepeatCount+1) AS RepeatCount, AlertStringName, AlertStringDescription, MonitoringRuleId, Name FROM Alertview WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Timeraised is not NULL GROUP BY AlertStringName, AlertStringDescription, MonitoringRuleId, Name ORDER BY RepeatCount DESC
Rules per MP by distinct top 50 count(sce.StateId) as NumStateChanges, m.DisplayName as MonitorDisplayName, m.Name as MonitorIdName, mt.typename AS TargetClass from StateChangeEvent sce with (nolock) join state s with (nolock) on sce.StateId = s.StateId join monitorview m with (nolock) on s.MonitorId = m.Id join managedtype mt with (nolock) on m.TargetMonitoringClassId = mt.ManagedTypeId where m.IsUnitMonitor = 1 -- Scoped to within last 7 days AND sce.TimeGenerated > dateadd(dd,-7,getutcdate()) group by m.DisplayName, m.Name,mt.typename order by NumStateChanges desc
To find all Rules per MP that generate an alert.SELECT mp.MPName, r.RuleCategory, COUNT(*) As RulesPerMPPerCategory FROM Rules r INNER JOIN ManagementPack mp ON mp.ManagementPackID = r.ManagementPackID GROUP BY mp.MPName, r.RuleCategory ORDER BY RulesPerMPPerCategory DESC
To find all groups for a given computer/object (change “computername” in the query below):declare @mpid as varchar(50) select @mpid= managementpackid from managementpack where mpName='Microsoft.Exchange.2007' select rl.rulename,rl.ruleid,md.modulename from rules rl, module md where md.managementpackid = @mpid and rl.ruleid=md.parentid and moduleconfiguration like '%<AlertLevel>50</AlertLevel>%'
To find all members of a given group (change the group name below).SELECT SourceMonitoringObjectDisplayName AS 'Group' FROM RelationshipGenericView WHERE TargetMonitoringObjectDisplayName like ('%computername%') AND (SourceMonitoringObjectDisplayName IN (SELECT ManagedEntityGenericView.DisplayName FROM ManagedEntityGenericView INNER JOIN (SELECT BaseManagedEntityId FROM BaseManagedEntity WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE (BaseManagedEntityId = TopLevelHostEntityId) AND (BaseManagedEntityId NOT IN (SELECT R.TargetEntityId FROM Relationship AS R WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN dbo.fn_ContainmentRelationshipTypes() AS CRT ON R.RelationshipTypeId = CRT.RelationshipTypeId WHERE (R.IsDeleted = 0)))) AS GetTopLevelEntities ON GetTopLevelEntities.BaseManagedEntityId = ManagedEntityGenericView.Id INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT BaseManagedEntityId FROM TypedManagedEntity WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE (ManagedTypeId IN (SELECT DerivedManagedTypeId FROM dbo.fn_DerivedManagedTypes(dbo.fn_ManagedTypeId_Group()) AS fn_DerivedManagedTypes_1))) AS GetOnlyGroups ON GetOnlyGroups.BaseManagedEntityId = ManagedEntityGenericView.Id)) ORDER BY 'Group'
To find all managed computers that are currently down and not SourceMonitoringObjectDisplayName as 'Group Name', TargetMonitoringObjectDisplayName as 'Group Members' from RelationshipGenericView where isDeleted=0 AND SourceMonitoringObjectDisplayName = 'Agent Managed Computer Group' ORDER BY TargetMonitoringObjectDisplayName
All managed computers countSELECT bme.DisplayName,s.LastModified as LastModifiedUTC, dateadd(hh,-5,s.LastModified) as 'LastModifiedCST (GMT-5)' FROM state AS s, BaseManagedEntity AS bme WHERE s.basemanagedentityid = bme.basemanagedentityid AND s.monitorid IN (SELECT MonitorId FROM Monitor WHERE MonitorName = 'Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService.ComputerDown') AND s.Healthstate = '3' AND bme.IsDeleted = '0' ORDER BY s.Lastmodified DESC
SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumManagedComps FROM (
SELECT bme2.BaseManagedEntityID
FROM BaseManagedEntity bme WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN BaseManagedEntity bme2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON bme2.BaseManagedEntityID = bme.TopLevelHostEntityID
WHERE bme2.IsDeleted = 0
AND bme2.IsDeleted = 0
AND bme2.BaseManagedTypeID = (SELECT TOP 1 ManagedTypeID FROM ManagedType WHERE TypeName = '')
GROUP BY bme2.BaseManagedEntityID
) AS Comps
Useful queries for datawarehouse.
This database is well document by microsoft as we told the provide some basic examples.
As we did with operations database queries, we are going to highlight some queries that we consider very useful.
To view data on all alerts modified by a specific user
To view data on all alerts modified by a specific user
select ars.alertguid, alertname, alertdescription, statesetbyuserid, resolutionstate, statesetdatetime, severity, priority, managedentityrowID, repeatcount
from Alert.vAlertResolutionState ars
inner join Alert.vAlert alt on ars.alertguid = alt.alertguid
where statesetbyuserid like '%username%'
order by statesetdatetime
To view the last 30 days values for a performance counterTo view the biggest peaks of a performance counter in last 30 daysSELECT vPerf.DateTime, vPerf.SampleCount, vPerf.AverageValue, vPerf.MinValue, vPerf.MaxValue, vPerf.StandardDeviation, vPerformanceRuleInstance.InstanceName, vManagedEntity.Path, vPerformanceRule.ObjectName, vPerformanceRule.CounterName FROM Perf.vPerfHourly AS vPerf INNER JOIN vPerformanceRuleInstance ON vPerformanceRuleInstance.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vPerf.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId INNER JOIN vManagedEntity ON vPerf.ManagedEntityRowId = vManagedEntity.ManagedEntityRowId INNER JOIN vPerformanceRule ON vPerformanceRuleInstance.RuleRowId = vPerformanceRule.RuleRowId WHERE (vPerformanceRule.ObjectName like '%disk%') AND vPerformanceRule.CounterName like '%sec/w%' AND vManagedEntity.Path like '%Hyperclus%' and vPerf.DateTime > getdate()-30
To view data in performance counter every first day of the month:SELECT top 15 vPerf.DateTime, vPerf.SampleCount, vPerf.AverageValue, vPerf.MinValue, vPerf.MaxValue, vPerf.StandardDeviation, vPerformanceRuleInstance.InstanceName, vManagedEntity.Path, vPerformanceRule.ObjectName, vPerformanceRule.CounterName FROM Perf.vPerfHourly AS vPerf INNER JOIN vPerformanceRuleInstance ON vPerformanceRuleInstance.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vPerf.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId INNER JOIN vManagedEntity ON vPerf.ManagedEntityRowId = vManagedEntity.ManagedEntityRowId INNER JOIN vPerformanceRule ON vPerformanceRuleInstance.RuleRowId = vPerformanceRule.RuleRowId WHERE (vPerformanceRule.ObjectName like '%disk%') AND vPerformanceRule.CounterName like '%sec/w%' AND vManagedEntity.Path like '%BD%' and vPerformanceRuleInstance.InstanceName like '%z:\pcs-data' and vPerf.DateTime > getdate()-30 ORDER BY vPerf.AverageValue desc
Most Common Events by event number:with qry as( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY path,CONVERT( VARCHAR, DateTime, 112 )ORDER BY DateTime DESC ) as rn, vPerf.DateTime, vPerf.SampleCount, vPerf.AverageValue, vPerf.MinValue, vPerf.MaxValue, vPerf.StandardDeviation, vPerformanceRuleInstance.InstanceName, vManagedEntity.Path, vPerformanceRule.ObjectName, vPerformanceRule.CounterName FROM Perf.vPerfHourly AS vPerf INNER JOIN vPerformanceRuleInstance ON vPerformanceRuleInstance.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vPerf.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId INNER JOIN vManagedEntity ON vPerf.ManagedEntityRowId = vManagedEntity.ManagedEntityRowId INNER JOIN vPerformanceRule ON vPerformanceRuleInstance.RuleRowId = vPerformanceRule.RuleRowId WHERE (vPerformanceRule.ObjectName like 'Memory') AND vPerformanceRule.CounterName like 'Available MBytes' AND vManagedEntity.Path like '%Hyper%' and day(vPerf.DateTime) =1 ) select * from qry q1 where rn=1 order by datetime
SELECT top 50 EventDisplayNumber, COUNT(*) AS TotalEvents
FROM Event.vEvent
GROUP BY EventDisplayNumber
How to improve the database performance
In these URLs are well described best practices to mantain and improve the SQL performance.Pre installation:
Post installation:
For example, we have this maintenance plan scheduled every Sunday for SCOM 2007, it could work with SCOM 2012 as well.
USE OperationsManager
EXEC SP_MSForEachTable "Print 'Reindexing '+'?' DBCC DBREINDEX ('?')"
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